10 research outputs found


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    During Development of this working paper, contextualization of current situation of Mexican SMEs is analized, the organizational culture that prevails on its strategic planning and the posibility of use knowledge management for better permanence and consolidation. The human resource profile guiding the SMEs is analized and also the importance of the implementation of information and communication technologies is mencioned as an important tool in the strategic planning of organizations which allows for better communication, oriented to organizational growth within a business demanding environment


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    Social media is a reality in the information society. This research focuses in how the development of the information society and the presence of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) provide the acceptable environment for the deployment of organizational communication and social media marketing. It describes the particularities of social media as a growing phenomenon of great social appropriation that, thanks to the Internet, has caused that the modern organization contemplates implementing social media to its benefit. The purpose of this paper is to contextualize the use of social media and establish the challenges and opportunities of implement communication and social media marketing strategies in the organization. The present study confirms that the information society has established the conditions to properly implement social media marketing and the risks are considerably lower than the opportunities


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    La reputaci贸n digital de una empresa es un constructo social basado en la percepci贸n cognitiva de los grupos de inter茅s relacionados con la empresa en entornos virtuales, y que actualmente representa uno de los factores de 茅xito m谩s importantes. A partir de una investigaci贸n documental, se presentan diferentes perspectivas en relaci贸n a la reputaci贸n y la reputaci贸n digital. Se destaca que los dispositivos m贸viles, Internet y las redes sociales se han convertido en importantes elementos en la configuraci贸n de la reputaci贸n digital de una organizaci贸n. Finalmente, se enfatiza el valor de la reputaci贸n digital como un activo intangible capaz de representar una ventaja competitiva para la organizaci贸n contempor谩nea

    Comportamiento y desarrollo del sector tur铆stico en M茅xico

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    The world tourism sector has had a significant growth in recent years, which has allowed countries to generate more economic resources. In Mexico this economic activity has helped the development of tourism services such as: accommodation, transportation and restaurants. This economic sector, is of great importance to Mexico because it is important to analyze the influx of international tourists, being considered in the ranking of the first 6 destinations visited. It was necessary to resort to a review of the literature, to the analysis of statistical data and their interpretation to generate the conclusions. The results of the work made it possible to highlight the importance of the tourism sector, due to the influx of tourists, the generation of jobs and the increase in tourist spending. The objective of this work was to analyze the situation of tourism and the growth it has had in recent years, as well as its contribution to the economy in Mexico. For which data on the behavior and development of the tourism sector were collected in 2017 and 2018.El sector tur铆stico mundial, ha tenido un crecimiento significativo en los 煤ltimos a帽os, lo cual ha permitido a los pa铆ses generar m谩s recursos econ贸micos. En M茅xico esta actividad econ贸mica ha ayudado al desarrollo en  servicios tur铆sticos como son: alojamientos, transporte y restaurantes. Este sector econ贸mico, reviste de gran importancia a M茅xico por su importante para analizar la afluencia de turistas internacionales, siendo considerado en el ranking de los primeros 6 destinos visitados. Fue necesario recurrir a una revisi贸n de la literatura, al an谩lisis de datos estad铆sticos e interpretaci贸n de los mismos para generar las conclusiones. Los resultados del trabajo permitieron destacar la importancia del sector tur铆stico, debido a la afluencia de turistas, la generaci贸n de empleos y el incremento del gasto del turista. El objetivo de este trabajo consisti贸 en analizar la situaci贸n que guarda el turismo y el crecimiento que ha tenido en los 煤ltimos a帽os, as铆 como su aportaci贸n a la econom铆a en M茅xico. Para cual se recolectaron  datos sobre el comportamiento y el desarrollo del sector tur铆stico en 2017 y 2018

    Facebook Como Espacio de Expresi贸n Emocional de los Adolescentes en Morelia, M茅xico

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    Esta investigaci贸n tuvo como objetivo identificar la utilizaci贸n de Facebook como medio de expresi贸n emocional en adolescentes de educaci贸n secundaria de Morelia, M茅xico; as铆 como conocer la emoci贸n predominante a trav茅s de los usos, gratificaciones y necesidades que se satisfacen al utilizar la plataforma. Se emple贸 la Teor铆a de Usos y Gratificaciones (TUG) y el esquema de interdependencias de la TUG. Es una investigaci贸n de enfoque mixto, no experimental, transeccional. Los resultados se帽alan que los estudiantes han incorporado a Facebook en sus vidas cotidianas. Llevan perteneciendo a la plataforma en promedio tres a帽os, accediendo diariamente de treinta minutos a tres horas. Se confirma que hacen uso de Facebook como un espacio en donde expresan sus emociones/sentimientos, y que los contenidos, positivos o negativos, afectan en sus estados emocionales. This research had the purpose to identify the use of Facebook as a mean of emotional expression in teenagers of High School in Morelia, Mexico; as well as to know the prevailing emotion through the uses, gratifications, and needs that the young people experiment using the platform. The theory used was the Theory of Uses and Gratifications (TUG) and the scheme of the interdependencies of the TUG. It is a mixed approach research, nonexperimental, transactional. The results indicate that students have incorporated Facebook into their daily lives. They have been using the platform on average three years, accessing daily from thirty minutes to three hours. It is confirmed that they use Facebook as a space where they express their emotions/ feelings, and that the positive or negative contents, affect in their emotional states


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    Social media is a reality in the information society. This research focuses in how the development of the information society and the presence of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) provide the acceptable environment for the deployment of organizational communication and social media marketing. It describes the particularities of social media as a growing phenomenon of great social appropriation that, thanks to the Internet, has caused that the modern organization contemplates implementing social media to its benefit. The purpose of this paper is to contextualize the use of social media and establish the challenges and opportunities of implement communication and social media marketing strategies in the organization. The present study confirms that the information society has established the conditions to properly implement social media marketing and the risks are considerably lower than the opportunities

    Comparaci贸n de la actividad econ贸mica de entre ciudades de M茅xico mediante la matriz insumo-producto

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    The purpose of this study is to compare the economic activity of Mexican tourist destinations through the input-output matrix, in order to estimate the economic investment multipliers for these destinations. It was carried out based on input-output techniques with data on tourist arrivals for the year 2010, as well as the Gross Domestic Product per capita for each destination, the data was taken from the Municipal Human Development Index. The results obtained indicate that Mexico City is the best positioned and investment in tourism in that place has a greater influence on the rest of the destinations studied. This study allows to quantify the real contribution of the tourist demand in the economy in the tourist destinations.  El proposito de este estudio es comparar la actividad econ贸nomica de destinos turisticos mexicanos mediante la matriz insumo-producto, con la finalidad de estimar los multiplicadores econ贸micos de inversi贸n para dichos destinos. Se realizo a partir de t茅cnicas de insumo-producto con datos de llegadas de turistas del a帽o 2010, as铆 como el Producto Interno Bruto per c谩pita por cada destino, los datos se tomaron del 脥ndice de Desarrollo Humano Municipal. Los resultados obtenidos indican la Ciudad de M茅xico es la mejor posicionada y la inversi贸n en turismo en dicho lugar influye en mayor proporci贸n sobre el resto de los destinos estudiados. Este estudio permite cuantificar la aportaci贸n real de la demanda tur铆stica en la econom铆a en los destinos tur铆sticos

    Communication as a Key Element in the Labor Inclusion of Mexican Millennials

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    This research paper presents the situation of the labor market in Mexico, the behavior of organizations through their managers to integrate work teams, as well as the elements that stand out for being the most reasonable for the integration of millennials in the work force. On the other hand, the distinctive characteristics of this generational group are analyzed in search of communicative elements that favor their insertion in new organizations. The importance of communication, the favorable organizational climate through psychological contracts that improve and define the labor expectations of both parties (employer and millennials) are highlighted. The findings of this research allow identifying various communication problems between employers and millennials, mainly due to various inconsistencies between the expectations of each group. Keywords: Communication, Organizational Climate, Millennials. JEL Classifications: M150, M540, M370 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.928

    Estrategias de marketing orientadas al consumo de la generaci贸n centennial

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    Esta investigaci贸n muestra el comportamiento de consumo de la generaci贸n centennial, particularmente su orientaci贸n al consumo responsable. El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n es identificar c贸mo las estrategias de marketing han incidido en el tipo de consumo que los centennials, as铆 como la orientaci贸n al consumo responsable identificando la percepci贸n que tienen de los productos ecol贸gicos y de las empresas que realizan pr谩cticas socialmente responsables, para identificar si la decisi贸n de compra se basa en las pr谩cticas responsables o en modas y tendencias de consumo. La investigaci贸n es documental. En primera instancia, se llev贸 a cabo la recuperaci贸n y revisi贸n de literatura actualizada como art铆culos cient铆ficos, journals especializados en marketing y comportamiento del consumidor, as铆 como memorias de congresos. En un segundo momento, se realiz贸 un an谩lisis de cada documento para poder llegar a las conclusiones en las que se define el comportamiento de consumo de los centennials. Los principales hallazgos de esta investigaci贸n muestran una orientaci贸n y conciencia ecol贸gica evidente en el consumo de bienes y servicios. No obstante, tambi茅n se identifica que las modas, el sentido de pertenencia, y el precio de los productos de este grupo generacional inciden en la toma de decisiones.   This research shows the consumption behavior of the centennial generation, particularly its orientation towards responsible consumption. The objective of this research is to identify how marketing strategies have influenced the type of consumption that centennials have, as well as the orientation towards responsible consumption, identifying the perception they have of organic products and of companies that carry out socially responsible practices, to identify whether the purchase decision is based on responsible practices or consumer trends and fashions. This is documentary research. In the first instance, the recovery and review of updated literature such as scientific articles, specialized journals on marketing and consumer behavior, as well as conference proceedings were carried out. In a second moment, an analysis of each document was carried out to reach the conclusions in which the consumption behavior of centennials is defined. The main findings of this research show an evident ecological orientation and awareness in the consumption of goods and services. However, it is also identified that the fashions, the sense of belonging, and the price of the products of this generational group influence decision-making

    Marketing and Consumer Behavior during and amidst the Overcoming of a Pandemic [Editorial]

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    The covid-19 pandemic has changed how enterpri-ses and people behave, and the future effects of this change are yet to be seen. Several studies have shown how lockdown measures and individual and social reactions affect organizations (Leung et al., 2021; Rojas et al., 2020; Zwanka & Buff, 2020). However, further research on how the marketing areas of organizations may contri-bute to overcoming the pandemic's devastating effects is required.Consequently, society has made urgent requests that aca-demia could address through research. First, we are called upon to analyze the effect of covid-19 on consumers' dif-ferent cultures, ages, and demographic variables world-wide (Madrigal-Moreno et al., 2021; Sheth, 2020; Zwanka & Buff, 2020), leading to possible responses and ways en-terprises can adapt and offer value propositions. Likewise, and in the same line of work, it is imperative to account for how pandemic-based individualism has shaped new habits, trends and disruptions (Larios-G贸mez et al., 2021; Sheth, 2020). Secondly, recognizing enterprises' work in so-cial responsibility and their marketing actions in response to the negative impacts of covid-19, as well as its impact on consumers, is a matter to be explored (Huang, 2021; Pesqueux, 2020).On the other hand, it is essential to contribute to the rec-ognition and analysis of positive dynamics in the field of marketing; for example, the pandemic has favored and promoted the connection with consumers through dig-ital channels, the use of e-commerce and, in particular, marketplaces with a wide offer and services for sale and after-sales (Brandtner et al., 2021; G贸mez, 2020; S谩nchez-Torres et al., 2021; Saura et al., 2020; Sheth, 2020) with traditional dynamics such as B2c, but also favoring entre-preneurship and independent or informal actors through strategies such as c2c